Thursday, December 20, 2007

Beyond My Control?

This was a bad weak in terms of therapy and workouts. I think I only went to the gym once and didn't even do the exercises at home. This week was wall-to-wall meetings and Christmas parties. So naturally, none stop drinking as well.

Oh. I failed to mention that Dr. George also allowed me to have a few drinks already, provided that I keep it to a minimum and see to it that it doesn't aggravate the swelling in my knee. Well, so far the swelling has not come back so I've been having more drinks than I think George would allow me to have. At this time of the year, it's really beyond my control. Hahahaha

Tomorrow though, I promised myself I'd go back to my usual routine in the gym. And since the next week's workload will be relatively light, I can have more time for exercise. Of course, there will still be a lot of parties and therefore a lot of drinking. So, let's see which one is stronger, will power or temptation. I'll keep you posted...

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