Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Verdict (Part 2) – Nov 20, 2007

Today marks exactly one month since my operation. After 4 weeks of therapy, I was ready for the “next phase”. So I went to see Dr. George in his clinic today to get his GO signal. And the verdict was…too fast, too soon...two more weeks.

I did mention in my earlier post that there is a chance that George might just extend my sessions before allowing me to proceed with my gym workouts. That’s exactly what happened.

He explained to me that he wanted to give it two more weeks to ensure that my muscles and knee were strong to handle the workout regimen in the gym. He was concerned that I might push myself too hard, over do things, and injure myself all over again. I must say that George knows me too well and he’s absolutely right. I will push myself and push hard. Hey, that’s exactly what I was doing this past month. Oh well, as I said, he really knows best and I will follow everything he says to the dot.

So, with his instructions, my therapists gave me my program with slight variations on some of the exercises. By variations, I mean harder versions! Hahaha. I’m supposed to do these everyday in the house but I told my friends in the clinic not to be surprised if I pop-up and do it there some days. It’s nice having them around motivating you and laughing with you along the way.

So here I go. Not the “next phase” I wanted or expected but still a next phase. Two weeks, a new milestone.

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